Hey Folks! I started this blog before pinterest came along, or before I found it, at least. A lot of the posts here are merely links to things I wanted to remember. I need space on my account, so if you find something you like, open the link and then pin it quick, as I will be deleting the posts that are not my original ideas.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

BOO your neighbors!

 This is a fun neighborhood tradition. We were "Boo"ed tonight. The hard part is finding a copy of the poem/ghost that you like. So here is the one I made up.

Click to enlarge and print. It is a Jpeg, so take care to preview before printing to make sure it is the size you want.  I just insert my boo gram into a Word Document to make sure it fits one whole page.

UPDATE:  I made a new version this year with simple instructions instead of a poem.  If you would like it, go here 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I remember doing this years ago in our old neighborhood.
