Hey Folks! I started this blog before pinterest came along, or before I found it, at least. A lot of the posts here are merely links to things I wanted to remember. I need space on my account, so if you find something you like, open the link and then pin it quick, as I will be deleting the posts that are not my original ideas.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Gifts from Santa

The first Christmas we were expecting I realized I wanted to iron out our plans for Christmas traditions. I hoped to work out he details with Dad so we had them in place and could say to the children, "It has always been that way!"

So the first order of business was establishing the balance between Santa and the "Gimmes" that come with his generosity, and remembering that Christmastime is a time to remember and celebrate the birth of Christ.

We decided to let Santa know we were celebrating Christ's birth, and because the Baby Jesus was given three gifts, we asked Santa to limit his gifts to each person to three as well. The kids are just getting old enough to understand this, but I like the idea that when they look back they will see they have always had three gifts from that jolly fellow.

Plus, that leaves a little glory for Mom & Dad, right?

To add to the fun, Santa brings his own wrapping paper for everyone. We have to remember which stocking is ours, because he lays the full stockings with the three gifts he brought us.

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