Sounds delish, eh? I whipped these squishies up for a last minute April Fools prank.
You will need
Large marshmallows
Toasted coconut, ground to crumbs in the blender
a shallow bowl of water
A good dipping sauce. Perhaps Chocolate pudding would be suitable for BBQ sauce, and vanilla pudding tinted red for ketchup. My sauce was a bust, I won't even get into that.
I used my palm to flatten out each marshmallow, then pulled and stretched it into shape. Then I dipped each one into the water, moistening all sides. Toss the soggy mallow into the crumb coconut, cover with crumbs, and press them in. Flip and do the same. This method gave me some pretty decent looking chicken nuggets.
Throw them on a plate, add a dollop of sauce, and viola!
I think they turned out very well. I am sort of a dud on April fools day.